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CUREM – Center for Urban & Real Estate Management

Online panel: the triumph of the countryside?, 17th of June 2020


After discussing the short-term effects of corona on the real estate industry and its mid-term effects on economies we moved on to a larger scale with a third and last online panel.

On Wednesday, 17th of June 2020 we discussed with international as well as national experts what the future holds for cities and regional developments after the immediate effects of coronavirus have passed:

  • Will corona accelerate certain trends in cities and rural regions?
  • What are the psychological differences between real and online interactions?
  • Current mobility trends: what stays and what goes.
  • How we work: will there be a long-term shift towards more home office and if so, how will this affect our cities?
  • Will our homes become more important? Can we recognize changing patterns in people looking for a new home?



Alice Hollenstein, Deputy Managing Director, University of Zurich – CUREM

Part 1: Global trends regarding urbanization and counter urbanization

Is the virus affecting the triumph of the city? The view of Richard Florida
Prof. Dr. Richard Florida, University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management and School of Cities

Is the virus affecting the triumph of the city? The view of Edward Glaeser
Prof. Dr. Edward Glaeser, Harvard University, Department of Economics

Current mobility trends and their effects on settlement patterns
Prof. Dr. Kay Axhausen, Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, ETH Zurich

Will the majority keep working from home?
Prof. Dr. Karin S. Moser, Professor of Organisational Behaviour, London South Bank University

Is corona accelerating technology’s impact on real estate?
Dror Poleg, Rethinking Real Estate

Part 2: Looking at the Swiss scale

Where do we look for new homes?
Dieter Marmet, Co-owner and Member of the Advisory Board, Realmatch360

Take-home messages
Matthias Thoma, Member of the Executive Board, EBP

Final Q&A